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Guide: set up an event
Guide: set up an event
Dominique avatar
Written by Dominique
Updated over a week ago

Here I explain step by step how to set up an event on Abundo.

1. Name your event

2. Choose the city in which your event takes place.

3. Choose a location.

4. Select Genre.

Describe your event.

Paste your event description here. Please note that some information you may include in your event description elsewhere is not relevant to our members, such as information about ticket releases and ticket prices.

Media links

Include media links from Youtube, Vimeo, Spotify or Soundcloud to make your event more vivid and descriptive.

Describe pick-up instructions

This information is very important as it indicates how and where our members pick up or receive their tickets. Good keywords are that our members should state that they have booked through Abundo as well as their name and booking number. Here is a common example:

"Go to the ticket office and tell them you booked through Abundo. Enter your name and booking number to get your tickets. The box office opens one hour before the start of the show."

TIP: under Account Settings, you will find the "Default Info" tab where you can choose a default statement so you don't have to rewrite it every time you create an event.

  1. Enter the regular ticket price of the event

    Enter the regular price of the tickets for your event.

  2. Upload photos

    Upload photos from your event here. Please note that the first image you upload is the one that appears in the list for our members. If you are choosing between two, we recommend you choose the one with the least text.

  3. Set booking stop

    Here you choose when to close the booking for our members. When the booking is closed, a booking list will be sent to you. If you want more people to receive the list, you can add more email addresses. The longer the booking is kept open, the greater the chance of more visitors.

  4. Guest list recipient

    If no recipient is specified, the guest list will be sent to the owner of your partner account. Add one or more email addresses to send to more people.

Soon ready! Select the settings for the promotion of your event and then click on "Save and add date". Now your event is saved as a draft and will appear in your list of events if you choose to continue later.

Step 2: Dates and Times.

  1. Date & Time

    Enter the date and time or select a date from a calendar by clicking the calendar icon. Remember to select the time when the event starts and not the time of entry.

  2. Number of tickets

    Select how many tickets you want to post with us. You can always go back and change the number afterwards.

  3. Click on "+ Add session" to add another date.

Click on "Save and submit for approval" when you are ready to publish your event.

Now you can see your event with a yellow dot in the list. This means that the event is awaiting approval from us.

That's all!

Feel free to contact us at or post in the chat if you have any questions or need help!

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